Monday, UNC announced that they will transition to remote learning after a spike in positive…
College Football

After Covid-19 Outbreak, UNC Moves to Remote Learning; What Does this Mean for Football?
Monday afternoon officials announced that UNC would remove to remote learning after the Covid-19 positivity…

Blue Devils Further Along than Expected After First Week of Fall Camp (Video)

College Football Players Across the State Try to Maintain Normalcy Amidst Uncertainty
Everything is in question. With the Pac 12 and Big 10 making the tough decision…

We’re Preparing As If We’re Going to Play: Full Mack Brown Press Conference (Video)
UNC head coach Mack Brown talks status of football season, what UNC is doing to…

#WeWantToPlay Trends Nationally After Reports Surface that College Football Postponement is Imminent
College football players across the country took to social media lobbying against the cancellation or…

Carolina Football Adds Charlotte To 2020 Schedule
CHAPEL HILL – Carolina football has added Charlotte to its 2020 schedule, and the two in-state…

This is the Most Fun I’ve Had Since March: Coach Cutcliffe Discusses Duke’s 1st Day of Fall Camp (Video)
Football is back and coach is happy. The Duke Blue Devils kicked off their fall…

Two Duke Football Players Opt Out of Season
The Duke football program announced that two players have opted out of playing this year.…

Three Tar Heel Football Players Opt Out of Season
Friday, the Tar Heel football program announced three defensive backs have opted out of playing…