The Carolina Panthers have dropped their 4th game in a row, falling to Buffalo 31-14. Here’s how Panthers’ Twitter reacted to the loss:
Well I can’t even take credit for it! But A Bills Player told me it’s Operation #SendRhuleBackToSchool Season! All I could do was laugh. Even other teams players want em out. Lmaooo
— Tre Boston (@TreBos10) December 19, 2021Boys just wanna see the Panthers Great! Dawg I’m Rollin
Anything other than extending Cam and focusing on overhauling this o-line during the off-season is a mistake, in my opinion. It's obvious where the problems are.
— Gary Duncan (@BeerGeekFL) December 19, 2021
Cam Newton every time he drops back for a pass…
— Bull City Riot (@bullcityriot) December 19, 2021
No. We showed a lot more heart today than we have recently so that’ll save his job.
— Grayson Carter (@graycarter2115) December 19, 2021
The Panthers have has 18 draft picks in the last 2 years and have taken 2 OL…
— Boogie SZN (@CLT_Sportsfan) December 19, 2021
Then signed the 2 worst FAs available this year
Rhule is to blame
Bruh just throw the whole oline away.
— Jarrett (J-ŘõÇK) (@Jdcostin910) December 19, 2021
Cam Newton at the post game presser…
— Jay Sutton (@thisisjaysutton) December 19, 2021
How many times a day have we heard, “cam Newton had no chance”?
— Karen Marie (@KarenMarieMusic) December 19, 2021
To be fair, the score should’ve been far worse than it is.
— E (5-12) (@LeVyanBelle) December 19, 2021
— Sports are extremely stupid (@m_siff) December 19, 2021
Buffalo before today: no run game
— Missy (@missy2point0) December 19, 2021
Buffalo vs Carolina:
Matt Rhules PRIDES himself on O-lines.
— Panthers Overseas (@OverseasPanther) December 19, 2021
The one thing he prides himself on is currently the worst part of this team.