It’s imperative that you love the skin that you were born in. No matter how difficult it is to accept other people’s opinion, you don’t have a green light to bash someone’s ethnicity or cultural background because they choose to identify with an ethnic group you could care less about.
That’s what Sage Steele has demonstrated – once again -on former NFL quarterback Jay Cutler’s podcast, “The Uncut with Jay Cutler,” which reveals her racially insensitive statements. A company that in front of cameras acknowledges its support of African American culture and the “Black Lives Matter” movement but selects Sage Steele for representation of Blacks is complete buffoonery.
This is the same Sage Steele who was scheduled to open the ESPNW women summit focused on creating positive change for women in sports, but declines to help support any up and coming women looking to make their first break into an industry dominated by men – due to what the women choose to wear, or how they approach her, stating “know what you’re doing when you’re putting that outfit on.” And further, “women need to be responsible as well for inappropriate comments directed at them.”
Why is it when Jemele Hill, former ESPN host/beat writer, stated accurate information on a President who at the time demonstrated racism towards African Americans, she was suspended? In principle, Sage’s logic has been to stick to sports, but tear down another sister who looks like her.
Why was Rachel Nichols, who was caught on a private recording criticizing her company’s diversity issues and discrediting black media host, Maria Taylor, given a paid vacation when black women don’t receive the same treatment from said company?
Former ESPN host Will Cain, who compared Antonio Brown to a suicide bomber, is another example of the company who suggests it supports black initiatives and causes, turning a blind eye to its own employees – discrediting black ethnocentricity.
Sage Steele denounces her black culture, but yet claimed to the New York Times she was being discriminated against by an employer for not being included in a diversity initiative. If you don’t claim your blackness and openly try to discredit other African Americans from practicing their economic freedoms, how can you say you are being discriminated against. Of course your fellow colleagues were correct when they stated you would not be accepted by the black community as an authentic voice because of your past insensitive comments.
You have openly criticized black people protesting against social injustices and unfair treatment from law enforcement. Hell, you criticized Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ wide-out Mike Evans for protesting and exercising his economic freedoms towards the injustices that blacks face daily.
How about when your travel plans were disrupted at LAX by people protesting President Trump’s travel ban of countries of people of Muslim descent – you made a big deal of how inconvenient it was for you?
In addition, you say our former President, Barack Obama, shouldn’t identify as black on his census because he was raised by his white mother and grandmother. That epitomizes and validates how dumbfounded you choose to be.
The tap dancing that Sage Steele has done for bigotry is another example of, she is who we thought she is – a self-loathing, pandering black woman.
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