Fernando Velasco’s Right Choices Foundation Celebrates the Holidays with 61 Days of Giving

Sixty-one is his number and Sixty-One Days of Giving is their motto.   That’s a project of Charlotte newcomers Fernando and Tieshia Velasco and their Right Choices Foundation this holiday season.

Fernando is the back-up center for the Carolina Panthers.   He and Tie are in their second season in Charlotte.  Their goal is to give back to cities where they’ve lived.  That’s been Wrens, Georgia; Williston, South Carolina; and now Charlotte.

Starting November 1st and going through December 31st, the foundation has focused on serving local organizations and non profits – giving of their time and efforts to help their communities.

Our goal is to positively impact as many lives as possible during the 61 days. We will be partnering with agencies in Jefferson County, Williston, SC, Athens, GA Charlotte, NC and more. We want to instill a true heart of giving in our participants and community.

Some of the service projects held so far have been Fernando serving as principle for a day and distributing books at Burns Academy, serving dinner and fellowshipping with the men at the Charlotte Rescue Mission and hosting a Blitz Bags & Bellinis event to collect purses full of toiletries for women in need.

To find you more about The Right Choices Foundation and their 61 Days of Giving, as well as other initiatives they have throughout the year, visit Right Choices Foundation.org.