Cam Newton Uses Instagram Post to Teach a Valuable Lesson in Stereotyping

It’s sad that in this country, when people see a group of black men it’s automatically assumed that they’re in a “gang” or a group of “thugs.”  The intimidation people feel around African-American men is the very source of the police shootings that have been occurring for decades, but are just now garnering attention. Cam Newton taught fans a very good lesson in this with one powerful Instagram post.

Before Thursday’s pre-season finale, Newton posted the following picture on Instagram.

The comments that followed were filled with thug and gang references. “Fans” saying that they were going to unfollow him.  People saying he’s portraying a bad image for young people.  One woman even said that this was the first time she’s ever been scared of Newton.  Why?  Because he’s surrounded by his friends?  Because they’ve just been riding dirt bikes and have bandannas around their faces?  This is the same mentality that got Jonathan Ferrell shot in the back right here in Charlotte a few years ago.

Cam noticed all of the comments and followed up Thurday’s post with this one on Friday.


“I know where I’m going and I know the truth, and I don’t have to be what you want me to be. I’m free to be what I want.” -Muhammad Ali


Before you begin to judge!? 1. Every1 in the previous post has a degree and is WELL educated…. DO/ARE YOU!??
2. I am; who I am; and why are you so judge mental in “2015”…. ARE YOU AFRA1D of what you don’t understand!?? If you DONT understand why throw SHADE (speaking on something you do not know about; for people who don’t understand the meaning of throwing “shade”). Now with all that said, “I COU1D REALLY CARE 1ESS WHAT YOU TH1NK OF ME; IamWHATiAM AND THATS A PERSON TRYiNG TO CHASE GREATNESS NOT TRYiNG TO BE ANY1ELSE or WHAT WANT ME TO BE”
3. Is this picture better for you S1MPLEminded PEOP1E; who are quick to judge something/someone “WHEN YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN THE NEXT PERSON”!? something to think about

…………in the famous words of the JOKER “WHYsoSER1OUS”myK1LLA………….. -1OVE


Time-out for us not being ourselves to make others feel comfortable.  Why shouldn’t Newton be able post a picture with his friends having fun?  The same people criticizing only wish they lived the life he does and the same women saying they’re scared would be begging for a picture with him…or more.

I applaud Newton for not being afraid to shine a light on the hypocrisy of those who made what basically amounts to racist comments on his page.  I guarantee if Tom Brady, Andrew Luck or Rob Gronkowski posted the same picture, the reaction would’ve been totally different.