Dale Earnhardt Jr: The Confederate Flag Only Belongs In History Books

during practice for the 57th Annual Daytona 500 at Daytona International Speedway on February 18, 2015 in Daytona Beach, Florida.

The shooting of nine innocent members of Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC by a Confederate Flag toting terrorist has reignited the debate about the symbol of the Confederacy and it’s place in American society.  Protests have been ongoing, lawmakers have called for its removal, and sports figures have voiced their opinions about it’s place on South Carolina’s State House grounds.  One of the more recent and surprising statements against the flag and what it symbolizes has come from NASCAR – which is ironic because you can often see the symbol of division flying on the grounds of one of their races – although the sport stopped short of banning the flag from its events all together.

When recently asked about his thoughts on the issue, racing’s most popular driver Dale Earnhardt Jr took a stronger stance than the governing body.

“I think it’s offensive to an entire race,” Earnhardt said. “It does nothing for anybody to be there flying, so I don’t see any reason. It belongs in the history books and that’s about it.”

Kudos to Dale Jr for taking the aggressive stance against the flag that NASCAR needs.


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